
Saturday, December 03, 2005

TwoEyes Wide Open


Some of you may have wondered why the "TwoEyes2112" handle

TwoEyes that are wide open to all of the sights and sounds that are going on around me. the 2112 is a album from one of my favorite groups Rush.

Life is full of surprises. What is going on in my life currently?
I've just lost my grandmother. She was 84 when she died. Sad to have had to watch her degenerate these last to years. I'm happy for her she is in a better place now. Playing with her little dog Sport.

I've just lost my job of 22yrs. after a plant closure/ consolidation.
I've just moved out of my apartment. Geeze I have a lot of junk that I am unwilling to part with.

My plan for the moment is to hunt and fish until the first of the year. Hopefully a regrouping/new job is in order after the first of the year.


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