Annual Migration

This time of year they always show up in numbers to steal the sweet nectar from the feeder. To fill up before making their annual migration.
Always fun to watch the one bird that fends off the others. There are 4 drinking flowers and one bird keeping all of the others away. It doesn't even have to be drinking.....just guarding.
Can't we ALL just get along!!!
watchout for the wasp!!!
I told the boys here how jealous I am of your vast number of animals.
Last year I hung two of those same exact feeders. One went under a near-by stand of trees in the back yard, while the other one I placed close to our sliding patio door (both are visible from the deck; the one by the door I can see from inside where I sit to type). A lone bird is all that ever showed for the entire summer, but he came by a lot. Some days he would show up while I sat less than five feet away, being still and watching. Usually he would sample one or two flowers before leaving. At times he perched on the little red rail while he drank.
You recall how I talked to birds? Well, I gladly said howdy to this tiny creature one bright and sweltering afternoon. And damn if he didn't stop what he was doing to dart over to see me. All he did next was hover for several moments, fanning the air less that two feet away from my face. He moved in closer, and then zoomed back while he studied what I was. Seconds later, he zipped back to have another drink before taking off like a bullet. I never had the chance to say so long. But I guess that was okay, since he repeated the entire show with both my feeders daily, and with my face just enough to make a man feel rather nice.
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