Costa Maya...a tiny Mexican fishing village

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village.
My biggest fish ever was a 43 #er caught on a bream/trotline at Lake O Pines.
The daily catching 40-50 bream after each day's work then running the line and re-baiting may not seem like work to anyone who has not done it.
Fighting the wind and rain, praying the lightning bolts don't find you.
I fished for a month and 1/2 this summer for the pull of 5 or 6 big fish on my lines.
It is truly amazing the brute strength these fish have when they are on your line. They pull the line straight down trying to free themselves or at least snare you with one of your own hooks. One mistake getting hooked could prove fatal for the fisherman as many have been pulled overboard and drowned.
I carry 2 knifes for this very reason. One on the boat seat beside me and one in my pocket should I go overboard.
Tug Tug on the line and down they go. You ease them to the water's surface and when they see you....down again they go....til they tire and slowly float to the top. You wait until they open their mouth(sometimes having to rub their bellies to get them to open up) then quickly slide your hand into their mouth searching for the handhold to quickly bring them onboard the boat.
Maybe next year will see me catch one over 100#fish
flathead and channel cats