Damn Moscas
Granddad had us kids up at daylight. We'd gather around a old wooden picnic table in the backyard whimpering about having to get up so early and wiping sleepy-dust from our eyes.
The table was lined with day old newspapers, a HUGE butcher knife, a dulled aluminum salt shaker. In the middle of the table sat two huge green melons. A Black-Diamond red and a seedless yellow meat straight from the valley.
He must have gained much delight at having us younguns eating sweet melon before most people were even awake because he did that very thing every summer we stayed with him and Super Granny.
The sweet aroma of the melons aways attracted a pesky fly or two. Granddad always said "they wouldn't eat too much." I guess looking at their small size he was probably right about that.
If he was in a mood he'd say "DAMN MOSCAS go away!!!" moscas= fly in spanish. Spanish which he loved to speak fluently around us kids I might add.
Can't help to think of Granddad today while eating a sweet watermelon.
And the "damn moscas"....guessing this guy I photoed is still thinking of him.

My oldest boy called him Pappy.
Back in the day I often wished I knew a foreign language which could safely allow me to vent hostile thoughts during those early-morning oustings. How I hated them.
Your pint-sized mother owns vintage 8mm film showing me snarling like one of our dogs into dad's unsteady camera, while holding up a fresh slice of juicy melon I so did not want to eat.
I really like this version you painted much better than mine. I can easily see that old salt shaker, which I had forgotten all about. Good job, James.
Nothing like the rose colored glasses of childhood memories.
I guess I was never really upset with getting up early to eat melon.
On the other hand Susan still hates the thought of melon because of her formative years.
Glad you enjoyed
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