
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Smokers Space

Never having smoked cigerettes before. I've always wondered about it's addiction.

Initially I can understand the "cool factor" of a kid wanting to act grown up. Doing the same thing adults are doing.....SMOKING. Beyond that why would ANYONE start or decide to continue the habit?

How about sitting on the edge of the bed in the mornings coughing up flem before starting your day? Is the mental picture of a ex-smoking elderly person living their last days here on earth pulling around a oxygen bottle just so they can breath.... appealing?
Does a x-ray of a pair of nicotene laden black lungs not enough of a deterrent. Does throat and mouth cancer look like fun?

Do smokers NOT care about their own health nor the health of the loved ones inhaling the second hand smoke?

I have heard the argument of "the smokers space" dealing with hectic phone calls, deadlines to meet, important meetings and numerous other fast paced distractions from which one escapes for a quiet break of smoking.

Ok go can have your lovely, quiet "smokers space"

I'll buy some beautiful flowers and a card that says how truly sorry I am.
How I'll miss your smiling face and hearty laughter.

So go right ahead and fire up another one or two.
No need to worry....I'll cover you up with the last shovel of dirt


At 11:17 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Here bloody here! This should be a compulsory read before buying each pack of cigarettes. Well written!

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Harry said...

Damn smokers. Why be so nice? Why piddle around? Damn their stinky butts, anyway. pa-YOU-ou-wee.

I feel better, having typed that. Now I wish I had me one fag to smoke. :D


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